Parkmere Group Investments
Business Expansion Purchase New Equipment All Business Types Clear Debts Hire  New Employees Payroll Working Capital


Company’s that sells goods and services and accept payment within a 30-60 day period can sometimes face difficult challenges.

Using your company customer invoices, Parkmere Group Investments can provide funding based on each separate invoice by advancing you up to 85-90% of the eligible invoice in almost 24 hrs. Account receivable finance offers access to fast cash without giving up equity in your company. This program is available to new and existing businesses looking to fund sales growth and giving you the financial capability to afford inventory. Such finance option also provides administrative support to your business by managing your receivables. Once your customer payment is received, the remaining 15-10% will be release to you minus fees.

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UK Office

Kemp House 160 City Road
London EC1V 2NX
United Kingdom

T 888-279-4104
F 888-200-8131


USA Office

5419 N State Rd 7
Ft. Lauderdale
FL 33319

T 888-279-4104
F 888-200-8131

© 2017 Parkmere Group Investments